Thursday, March 22, 2012

checking mode VPN

You can set the certificate checking mode VPN . Go to your iPad Settings app, tap VMware View, and tap Certificatechecking mode. You have three choices:n Reject the unverifiable connection (Secure). If any of the certificate checks fails, the client cannot connectto the server. An error message lists the checks that failed.n Warn if the connection may be insecure (Default). If a certificate check fails because the server uses aself-signed certificate, you can click Continue to ignore the warning. For self-signed certificates, thecertificate name is not required to match the View Connection Server name you entered in View Client.n Allow the unverifiable connection (Not Secure). This setting means that View does not perform anycertificate checking.If the certificate checking mode is set to Warn, you can still connect to a View Connection Server instance thatuses a self-signed certificate.If an administrator later installs a security certificate from a trusted certificate authority, so that all certificatechecks pass when you connect, this trusted connection is remembered for that specific server. In the future, ifthat server ever presents a self-signed certificate again, the connection fails. After a particular server presentsa fully verifiable certificate, it must always do so.Manage the Saved List of ServersWhen you connect to a View Connection Server instance, the server name is saved to a list on your View ClientHome screen. Use the Servers button to edit the list.In View Client, whenever you enter a server name and tap Connect, the name or address you enter is savedto a list. Even if you mistype the name or enter the wrong address, this information is saved. You can, however,easily delete server names by editing the list.

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