Monday, March 12, 2012


• Tablet computers such as the iPad are content-consumption devices, not production devices. As such, CPAs have varying opinions on the iPad's usefulness as a work tool.
• Accessories and apps are key to success with the iPad. Keyboard cases top the list of accessories, while there are a number of crucial applications, among them Documents To Go Premium, which allows you to edit and create Microsoft Office documents on the iPad, and cloud-based, note-taking apps such as Evernote.
• iPads, because of their size and design, travel well and are best suited for use away from the office. Among the tasks they handle well are note taking, accessing and reading documents, making presentations to clients and serving as a second monitor. The devices also turn on instanty with no waiting for boot-up.
• The remote access of client data with numerous applications through a new device raises security concerns. IT departments need to establish security protocols for the device, with a focus on passwords, data-access policies and remote-wipe procedures.
• Limitations of the iPad include the lack of a mouse, which can make navigation cumbersome; the device's incompatibility with Adobe Flash; and the relative scarcity of applications that handle data-heavy CPA tasks such as audits and tax returns.
• CPAs considering whether to buy an iPad should factor in the total cost of the device (including apps, accessories and any data plans) and what tasks the CPA wants to perform.
Exhibit 1: Essential Apps
There are more than 100,000 apps just for the iPad. Here are nearly two dozen you should consider to optimize your iPad. The selections are divided by function. In most cases, you can choose just one app for each function.
To access a chart with more information on these apps -- plus more than 30 others -- see the online version of this article . Enter 20114361 in the search box to find the article.
• Cloud-based notes: Evernote, MobileNoter. Note: The iPhone version of Microsoft OneNote can be used on the iPad, but there is not a OneNote designed specifically for the larger iPad screen.
• Handwritten notes, sketching: Adobe Ideas, Penultimate, PaperDesk
• Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) document creation, editing: Documents To Go Premium
• PDF readers, editors: GoodReader, PDF Expert
• Remote access to desktop applications: Citrix Receiver, LogMeln Ignition, Remote Desktop Lite, VMware View
• Social app reader: Flipboard
• Storage: Dropbox, SharePlus, SugarSync
• Video calls: FaceTime, Skype
• Use of iPad as second monitor: Air Display, DisplayLink, MaxiVista
• Web meetings: GoToMeeting, WebEx

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