Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Netflix Ireland VPN service

To understand Netflix strengths, it's important to view the firm as its customers see it.  And for the most part, what they see they like – a lot!  Netflix customers are rabidly loyal and rave about the service.  The firm repeatedly ranks at the top of customer satisfaction surveys.  Ratings agency Forsee has, for seven times in a row, named Netflix the number one e-commerce site in terms of customer satisfaction (placing it ahead of Apple and Amazon, among others).  Netflix has also been cited as the best at satisfying customers by Nielsen and FastCompany, and in January 2007 the firm was named the Retail Innovator of the Year by the National Retail Federation.Building a great brand, especially one online, starts with offering exceptional value to the customer. Netflix Ireland VPN service Don't confuse branding with advertising.  During the dot-com era, firms thought brands could be built through Super Bowl ads and expensive television promotion.  Advertising can build awareness, but brands are built through customer experience.  This is a particularly important lesson for online firms.  Have a bad experience at a burger joint and you might avoid that location, but try another of the firm's outlets a few blocks away.  Have a bad experience online and you're turned off by the firm's one and only virtual storefront.  If you click over to an online rival, the offending firm may have lost you forever.  But if a firm can, through quality experience, get you to stay, switching costs and data-driven value might keep you there for a long, long time, even when new entrants try to court you away.If brand is built through customer experience, consider what this means for the Netflix subscriber.  They expect the firm to offer a huge selection, to be able to find what they want, for it to arrive on time, for all of this to occur with no-brainer ease-of-use and convenience, and at a fair price.  Technology drives all of these capabilities, so it's at the center of brand building efforts.  Let's look at how the firm does it.

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